A Day in the Life of Our Acharyas
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In Thirunedunthandagam verse 13, Thirumangai Azhvar says "kalleduththuk kal mAri kAththAy". This is a description of Lord Krishna lifting the Govardhana mountain. Lord Krishna told the yadavas to stop their annual prayer to Indra and instead pray to the Govardhana mountain, as it was the mountain that was protecting them with its rain, streams and forests. Angered at this, Indra made it rain stones. Lord Krishna then picked up the mountain to protect the yadavas and their cattle.

Bhattar when explaining this verse remarked "Because Indra made it rain stones, He picked up a larger stone (mountain) and protected the yadavas. Had Indra made it rain with water, then He would have picked up the ocean to protect them".

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