A Day in the Life of Our Acharyas
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Once Bhattar was explaining the following story from Mahabharata.

A king called Yayati performed 100 Ashvameda yagas and attained Indra loka, where he sat equal to Indra. Indra became of jealous of him and played a trick on him. He asked Yayati "Who is the person who has done lots of meritorious acts on Earth?"

Afraid to lie, Yayati said "When I was there, everyone said that I was that person".

Indra immediately claimed that Yayati was praising himself and pushed him down from Indra loka.

When Bhattar was explaining this, Pillai Vizhupparaiyar and Appan Thiruvazhundhur Araiyar asked him the following question: "Mahabharata came forth to explain the meanings of the Vedas. What Vedic meaning is this story showing?"

Bhattar replied "Indra became jealous of Yayati because he obtained an equal seat to him. Therefore, he tricked Yayati and pushed him down. This shows that other devatas cannot tolerate someone gaining something high. Unlike them, Sriman Narayana thinks that others gain is His gain. And He is the only one who gives others a state equal to His. This story, therefore, shows that He is the only one that should be seeked".

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