Apoorva Ramayanam
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Part 6

Sri Sita Lakshmana Bharata Shatrugna Hanumath Sametha Sri Ramachandra Parabrahmane Nama:


Prior to the incident with Shurpanakha, occured the event with kAkAsura. It happened at Chitrakuta and should have been mentioned in Ayodhya Kanda in Sri Ramayanam. But it has been mentioned in Sundara Kandam where Sita tells this event to Hanuman as one of the proofs of him having met Her.

Sita describes the event as follows: "O! Hanuman. Sri Rama and myself were living in the northeast side of the Chitrakuta mountain. One time, after swimming in the river, I was sitting down tired, when a crow desirous of flesh pecked my breast with its beak. No matter what I tried, I could not make it go away. Seeing that, Rama teased me and I was ashamed and angry. Rama then consoled me and I fell asleep on His lap.

Later I woke up and at that time He fell asleep in my lap. The crow returned and pecked at my breast again. Blood flowed from the wound and drenched Rama. He woke up and seeing my distress became angered. He took a darbha grass from His bed, employed the Brahmastra on it and shot it at the crow.

The crow was Indra's son. The Brahmastra chased him in the skies. Seeking refuge, the crow flew to all three worlds. Abandoned by his father, mother, the Devas, the Rishis and everyone, finally the crow came back to Rama. Due to His compassion, Rama decided not to kill the crow. Instead, by the crow's wish, He took out its right eye with the Brahmastra and let it go."

This event is described differently in the Paadma Purana. In Sri Ramayanam, it was said that the crow came desirous of flesh. In the Paadma Purana, it is said that the crow came in lust just as Ravana did later. Perhaps being bashful to reveal the crow's true intent, Sita might have said that he came seeking flesh.

Also, in the Paadma Purana, it is said Sita Piratti took pity on the crow and on Her own volition placed it at the feet of Sri Rama and prayed to Him to protect it. Why did She not mention this Herself in Sri Ramayanam? It is because She did not want to sing Her own praise. However, indirectly She might have mentioned this. In the phrase "vadhArhamapi kAkutstha: krupayA paryapAlayat", one should note that word "krupayA". The word krupA stands for Her. Is it not said that She is compassion personified - "lakShmyA sa hrushIkEsho devyA kArunyarUpayA", "anugrahamayIm vande nityamagyAta nigrahAm". Therefore, it can be understood that it was due to Her mediation that the crow was protected when She said "krupayA paryapAlayat".

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