Previous Lokacharya Panchasat
Shloka 5

vikAsayitvA nigamAndabhAShya
	siddhA~njanAt kAmapi dIrgha drushTim |
prAdarshayadya: paramam pumAmsam
	sa pAtu mAm samyamisArva bhauma: ||


sa: samyami sArva bhauma: 	- (May) that Ramanuja who is the leader of the Yatis,
ya: 				- who
nigamAnda bhAShya siddhA~njanAt	- through Sri Bhashya which is the commentary on Vedanta Sutra,
vikAsayitvA 			- made blossom
kAmapi 				- the undescribable, special and
dIrgha drushTim 		- deep knowledge,
prAdarshayat 			- and showed
paramam pumAmsam 		- the Parama Purusha who is Sriman Narayana,
pAtu 				- protect
mAm 				- me.

Vyakhyana Saram:
In this shloka, Swami Desikan is saluting Swami Ramanuja. Ramanuja's commentary Sri Bashyam is on Veda Vyasa's Brahma Sutra. It was based on Bodhayana's vrutti that he obtained by traveling to Kashmir along with Kooraththazhvan. This event is well dcoumented in Guru Parampara. This authoritative work is a must read for all Srivaishnavas - as determined by Swami himself. Desikan is stating that it is through this work that one gains the deep knowledge that is needed to truly 'see' the parama purusha.

Vedanta Desikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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