Previous Lokacharya Panchasat
Shloka 22

agamyamahimA janairnigamamaulikAntArabhU
	vihArarasiko vR^ikshakshitibhR^ito vasan kandare |
vibhAti vimatonmadadviradakumbhasambhedana
	kshamoktinakharo mahAn sa jagadAryakaNTIrava: ||


agamya mahimA  			- Having the greatness not understood
janai: 				- by ordinary folk,
nigamamauli kAntArabhU vihAra
  rasika:  			- understanding the taste of moving in the forest of Vedanta sastra,
vasan  				- while living
kandare  			- in the cave
vR^iksha kshitibhR^ita: 	- in the mountain of Dharma (or in the Thiruvengada mountains)
vimata unmadadvirada kumbha sambhedana 
  kshama ukti nakhara: 		- having the Srisuktis that are like the claws that are capable of breaking the heads of the elephants who are the followers of other philosophies,
sa: 				- the famed
mahAn  				- and great
jagadArya kaNTIrava: 		- lion that is Pillai Lokacharya
vibhAti  			- is present.

Vyakhyana Saram:
In our sampradhayam, acharyas have been compared to the elephant and the lion. In Ramanuja Nutrandhadhi, Thiruvarangaththamudhanar compares Ramanuja to both - "engaL irAmAnusa muni vEzham" and "vali mikka sIyam". In this shloka, Swami Desikan is saluting Pillai Lokacharyar as a great lion.

This lion has claws that are capable of ripping the heads (brains) of elephants - the elephants in this case are the followers and/or leaders of other sampradhayams. Through his divine Sri Suktis, Pillai Lokacharyar has removed and corrected the ideas made by them that show the Lord in the wrong light.

Vedanta Desikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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