Previous Lokacharya Panchasat
Shloka 26

dR^iShTvA te bhuvanArya sundaravapu: kechit bhavAmbhonidhim
	santIrNA: shravaNAmR^itam tava guNam shrutvA sakR^it kechana |
anye kepi sudhAsahodaragira: pItvAbhavannirmalA:
	tasmAt samsR^itivartanI kshititalekshINA babhUva kshaNAt ||


he bhuvanArya 			- O! Lokacharya
dR^iShTvA 			- Seeing
te 				- your
sundara vapu: 			- beautiful body
kechit 				- some
santIrNA: 			- have crossed
bhava ambhonidhim 		- the samsara ocean.
kechana 			- Some others
shrutvA 			- having heard
sakR^it 			- once
tava guNam 			- your divine qualities
shravaNa amR^itam 		- that are sweet to hear
bhavAmbhonidhim santIrNA: 	- have crossed the samsara ocean.
anye kepi 			- Others
pItvA 				- drank
te 				- your
sudhAsahodaragira: 		- nectar-like sweet Sri Suktis
nirmalA: abhavan 		- and became devoid of the impure.
tasmAt 				- Therefore
kshititale 			- in this world
samsR^iti vartanI 		- the path of samsara
kshINA babhUva 			- got destroyed
kshaNAt 			- in a moment.

Vyakhyana Saram:
Desikan is stating in this shloka that Pillai Lokacharyar has destroyed the samsara ocean and gives moksha to everyone through the beauty of his divine body, his auspicious qualities and his Sri Suktis. Just as the Lord has provided several paths to moksha, so too Lokacharyar has provided several paths. We also see in this world, how a plantain tree provides many things through every part - such as the leaf, the fruit, the trunk, etc. Similarly, without difference Lokacharyar's divine body, his qualities and his speech all become reasons for the upliftment of the samsaris.

Vedanta Desikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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