Previous Lokacharya Panchasat
Shloka 37

vaktrendorbhuvanAryavarya bhavato vANI sudhAdhodoraNI 
	jaGYeShTAdashabhedapUra vihitatrANAtmasasyA yata: |
eShA samsR^itibhUrabhUt phalavatI tasmAnnadImAtR^ikA
	kR^iShNAmbhodavilokinI kila purA na prApa vR^iddhim parAm ||


he bhuvanArya varya 		- O! Lokacharya.
bhavata: vaktra indo: 		- From your moon like divine face
sudhAdhodoraNI 			- (how) the nectar flood of
vANI 				- Sri Suktis
yata: jaGYe 			- was formed,
tasmAt 				- through that,
eShA samsR^iti bhU: 		- this world of samsara
nadI mAtR^ikA 			- based on the water of that river itself
aShTAdashabheda pUra 		- flowing through the 18 outlets,
vihitatrANa Atma sasyA satI 	- has the saved souls in the fields
phalavatI abhUt 		- and became useful.
eShA samsR^iti bhU: 		- This world of samsara
na prApa kila 			- did not attain
parAm vR^iddhim 		- great growth
kR^iShNa ambhoda vilokinI 	- expecting (the water from) the dark cloud that is Krishna
purA 				- before.

Vyakhyana Saram:
The land that is waiting for water from the rains is called deva mAtrukam, while the land that is expecting water from the rivers is called nadI mAtrukam. When this world was waiting for the water from the dark cloud that is Krishna, it was the former. The souls that are in the fields of this world were therefore dried up. However, Desikan says, when the flood of Sri Suktis flowed from the divine face of Pillai Lokacharyar, this world became nadI mAtrukam. The ensuing river of mercy came out through 18 outlets (the ashtadasa rahasya granthas) and enriched the fields, thereby saving the souls in them.

Through his Sri Suktis these souls gathered the right knowledge and with the lamp lit by Pillai Lokacharyar in their minds, they attained liberation. The world therefore became useful only by the Sri Suktis of Pillai Lokacharyar, says Swami Desikan.

Vedanta Desikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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