Previous Lokacharya Panchasat
Shloka 48

vimatakumatipIDA mAnase samprarUDA
	dR^iDamamumiha jIvam kR^intati krUravR^ittayA |
amR^itarasasakhIbhistAm nivAryAshu dR^igbhi:
	virachaya vidhishaktam shrIjagaddeshikendra: ||


shrI jagaddeshikendra: 		- O! Lokacharya.
vimata kumati pIDA 		- The suffering caused by lowly thoughts
mAnase 				- in the mind
samprarUDA 			- come forth and gain root
krUravR^ittayA 			- and through cruel acts
amum jIvam kR^intati 		- cuts me down.
dR^igbhi: 			- With the vision
amR^itarasa sakhIbhi: 		- that flows like a flood of nectar
(you should)
Ashu 				- quickly
tAm nivArya 			- stop the lowly acts born out of those thoughts
virachaya 			- and have to make (me)
vidhishaktam 			- get the strength to do good acts.

Vyakhyana Saram:
Swami Desikan is saying that once lowly thoughts gain root in the mind of a person, they drive that person to performing cruel acts. This vicious cycle cuts the person down eventually. He seeks Lokacharyar's grace that flows like a flood from His divine eyes to not only remove this lowly act, but also to push him toward doing good deeds. He seeks that strength from Pillai Lokacharyar.

Vedanta Desikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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