Previous Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi
Pasuram 32

imaiyAdha kaNNAl iruL agala nOkki
amaiyAp poRi pulangaL aindhum - namaiyAmal
Agaththu aNaippAr aNaivarE Ayira vAy
nAgaththaNaiyAn nagar


namaiyAmal  			- Without controlling
amaiyA poRi pulangaL aindhum  	- the uncontrollable five senses
nOkki  				- and seeing
imaiyAdha kaNNAl  		- through the inner eye which is the mind
iruL agala  			- by removing the darkness that is ignorance,
Agaththu aNaippAr  		- those who think of 
Ayira vAy nAgaththu aNaiyAn  	- the Lord who has the 1000 mouthed serpent Adisesha as His bed
aNaivarE  			- will reach
nagar  				- His abode, Srivaikunta.

Vyakhyana Saram:
Even if one did not follow the means told in the Shastras such as Karma, Njana and Bhakti, those who understand the relationship between themselves (servants) and Him (the Lord) - sEsha seshi bhAva - will attain His abode, says Azhvar.

Poygaiyazhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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