Mumukshuppadi Sarartha Deepikai

Previous Choornai 52 & 53 Next

52. sEshathvam dhukka rUpamAgavanRO nAttil kANgiRathennil:

53. antha niyamam illai; ugantha vishayaththukku sEshamAy irukkumiruppu sugamAgak kANkaiy

52. In this world, don't we see that being enslaved to someone is a matter of sorrow?

53. It is not a rule that being enslaved is always a matter of unhappiness. In desired situations, it is seen that being enslaved brings about happiness

Sri PBA Swami's Sarartha Deepikai:
Do we not see that being enslaved to another person is a matter of unhappiness? Therefore, it is something that is to be rejected. So, how is it that one can say that something that is to be rejected is the thing to desire.

There is no rule that says all enslavement is a matter of unhappiness. It is seen in this world that in desired cases, being enslaved is matter of great happiness. Dushyanta tells Sakunthala "samvAhayAmi charaNAvuta padmatAmrau". Men tell women in this world "Would you like me to take your feet in my lap and gently massage them? Would you like me to fan a gentle breeze toward you?", etc. Thus, as it is seen that in longed for situations being enslaved is being happy, it is not acceptable as a rule to say "sEshatvam dhukkarUpam".

Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Saranam
Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

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