Mumukshuppadi Sarartha Deepikai

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125. idhukkarththam ellArkkumivaLaip paRRi SvarUpalAbamAy, ivaL thanakkum avanaip paRRi SvarUpalAbamAy irukkumenRu.

What are the meanings gathered from the two derivations srIyate and srayate?

From srIyate it is gathered that everyone seeks Her, meaning that it is through Her that all chetanas gain their true nature. From srayate it is gathered that She seeks Him, meaning that it is through Him that She gains Her true nature.

Sri PBA Swami's Sarartha Deepikai:
Through the karmaNi derivation, the meaning gathered is that everyone worships Her. That is, for all chetanas it is through Her that their nature is realized. Through the karttri derivation, the meaning gathered is that She worships Him. That is, it is through Him that She realizes Her nature. Therefore, the srI nAma shows that She has the seshi bhAva toward the chetanas and that She has the sesha bhAva toward Ishvara.

Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Saranam
Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

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