Anandazhvar Thaniyan Next


akhilAtma guNAvAsam agyAna timirApaham |
AshritAnAm sucaraNam vandE anantArya dEshikam ||

shrImad rAmAnujAcArya shrIpAdAmbOruhadvayam |
saduttamAnga santAryam anantAryamaham bhajE ||

I bow to the acharya Anandazhvan, who is the repository of auspicious qualities, who removes ignorance, and who is the refuge of those who seek him.

I bow to Anandazhvan, who is the lotus feet of Sri Ramanuja, and who is saluted by all devotees.

Anandazhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

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