. Varavaramuni Suprabhatam Meanings
Shloka 1
Shloka 2

Shloka 1:

	raviruditastvathApi na vinashyati mE timiram
		vikasati pangkajam hrudayapangkajamEva na mE |
	varavarayOgivarya! varaNIya! dayaikanidhE!
		jayajaya dEva jAgruhi janEShu nidhEhi dhiyam ||

The Sun has risen. However, the darkness which is my ignoance has not left. Lotuses are blossoming. However, the lotus which is my heart has not blossomed. O! Manavala Mamuni, who is appropriate to be surrendered to and who is full of grace. Victory to you. Please wake up. Create good sense in us.