by Sri TA Varadhan
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Paraphrased from a tamizh/sanskrit book that is the authentic history of the srIvaishNAva sampradAyam after svAmi nampiLLai called yatIndrap pravaNap prabhAva.
The book 6000ppadi guruparamparA prabhAvam is the earliest known book (after rAmAnuja) written about the srIvaishNava guruparampara, and it contains information about the guruparampara from perumAL, thAyAr, the AzhvArs, through srIman nAthamuni, ALAvandAr, svAmi rAmAnuja and continues through svAmi embAr, svAmi parAsara bhattar, svAmi nanjIyar and svAmi nampiLLai. This was written by svAmi pin pazhagiya perumAL jIyar, an immediate sishya of svAmi nampiLLai.
The book yatIndrap pravaNap prabhAvam, written by svAmi piLLai lOkam jIyar, a shishya of svAmi maNavALa mAmunigaL is the earliest work on the guruparampara after svAmi nampiLLai, and covers the lives of svAmi nampiLLai, svAmi vadakkuth thiruveedhip piLLai, svAmi piLLai lOkAchAriAr, svAmi periyavAccAn piLLai, svAmi azhagiya maNavALap perumAL nAyanAr, svAmi thiruvAymozhip piLLai and svAmi maNavALa mAmunigaL. This book contains authentic historical documentation of various key events in the history of our religion during those AchAryAs lifetimes.
There has been a few reprints of this book, copied from the original palm leaf manuscript. Such publications happened in 1865, 1891, 1907 and 1908 in tamizh as well as telugu. After that, there were no further publications till 1991 when Dr.VV Ramanumjam published the book in 1991. In 2000, the second edition of this publication was published with meanings of the sanskrit stOtrAs quoted in the original.
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