A Day in the Life of Our Acharyas
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There was a devotee called viLai nagar-p-piLLai who used to invite many Srivaishnavas to his household everyday and provide them with food. Upon hearing that, Bhattar decided to visit him. As it was near lunch time, piLLai invited Bhattar to have food at his home.

In order to learn the reason behind this activity, Bhattar asked him "piLLai! What do you think when you provide amudhu to the Srivaishnavas?"

piLLai replied "When each set of Srivaishnavas eat, I would think that they should eat so well such that the pots in the kitchen are emptied. And this should keep getting repeated with each set. This is what I look for as my purpose."

Bhattar realized that piLLai was doing the tadIya ArAdhanam for gaining fame for himself. So he told his disciples "If he provided food to the Lord's devotees for that purpose itself and not to gain fame, then it will lead to the upliftment of his soul".

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