A Day in the Life of Our Acharyas
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Thiruppavai pasuram 1: 'AyppAdi'

As opposed to Ayodhya which is run by Vasishta and other sages, in Ayppadi (Gokulam) all sastric rules are broken.

One time, Bhattar was doing a discourse on Thiruppavai. At that time, a Srivaishnava bhAgavata of the fourth varNa came there and stood hesitating to come in. Seeing him Bhattar said "kUsAdhE uLLE puguvIr, ivvidam thiruvAyppAdiyAyk kANum sellugiRathu".

Bhattar is saying that as they were enjoying Thiruppavai, the place has become Ayppadi, where there are no differences amongst devotees and all may participate freely in the divine experience.

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