A Day in the Life of Our Acharyas
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Thiruppavai Pasuram 1: 'nIrAda'

Why did Andal use the respectful word 'nIrAda' to call her friends for taking a bath? The reason is that even though they are friends, because they are devotees of the Lord, respect has to be given to them. Even if a person is born to one's self, if they are devotees of the Lord, they have to be treated respectfully.

To show this, an event from Bhattar's life is shown. "bhattar srIpAdhaththaik kazhuvith thIrththam koLLum ANdAL".

Even though Bhattar was born to her, his mother Andal used to accept the divine water from Bhattar's feet.

(See aditlooa-bh-028.html for the full event)

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