A Day in the Life of Our Acharyas
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Kulasekhara Azhvar states in his Perumal Thirumozhi 4-10, that he would want to be born as anything on the divine mountain of Thirumalai ("emperumAn pon malai mEl EdhEnum AvEnE").

Anandazhvan made the following comment about it: "Azhvar's desire is to reside forever on Thiruvengada mountain. If that can be achieved only by becoming the Lord of the Hills Himself, then Azhvar would be ready even for that".

The true nature of the soul is servitude to the Lord. To abandon that and wish to become the Lord Himself is contrary to the nature of the soul. Anandazhvan said that Azhvar is ready even for that, as true living is only being on Thirumalai.

Bhattar interpreted the phrase "EdhEnum AvEnE" differently. He said "Azhvar is saying that 'Let's not be aware as to what we are on Thirumalai; Let Him also not be aware of who we are on the Hills; Let no one praise us for being on the divine mountain or wishing to be on it; Let us just be something on Thirumalai. All we want is that we somehow reside on Thirumalai'."

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