Apoorva Ramayanam
Previous ka: krutagya:?
Part 1

Sri Sita Lakshmana Bharata Shatrugna Hanumath Sametha Sri Ramachandra Parabrahmane Nama:

ka: krutagya:?

One who does not forget the good deeds done to him is known as a krutagya. Amongst the qualities of men this is considered as being the foremost. Thirukkural says "en nanRi konRArkkum uyvuNdAm uyvillai, seynnanRi konRa magaRku". Shastras too say "krutagne nAsti nishkruti:". There are prAyaschittas for all sins; but there is not one for forgetting a good deed or opposing it.

In Sankalpa Suryodhayam, Swami Desikan states: If a person not only forgets the good favors done to him by another, but in fact offends that person, he is known as a krutagna. He is worse amongst sinners. Even worse is the person who does not do this to one who favored him in the past but does it to him as he is performing the good deed. The worst of them all is the one who acts this way to a person knowing that he is going to help him in the future.

This quality of krutagya is tough to attain. It is said that it can be more easily seen amongst achetanas than chetanas."ninRu thaLarA vaLar thengu thALuNda nIraith thalaiyAlE thAn tharudhalAl" - We provide lowly water to the coconut tree at its base; in return it provides sweet water on its head. Such a quality can be seen only amongst a select few. This is well exhibited by Sri Rama.

In Ayodhya Kandam 2-11-1, through the shloka "kathanjchidupakAreNa krutenai kena tuShyati, na smaratyapakArANAm shatamapi AtmavattayA", this quality of Sri Rama is shown. It is said that if someone does even a small favor His divine heart is greatly pleased and if someone does a great many bad deeds He does not remember any of them. In this shloka, the word kathanjchit has to be noted. What is stressed is that even if a person does a good deed without meaning to, He accepts that as a great favor and is pleased. On the contrary, even if a person does bad deeds while meaning to, He does not consider them.

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