Apoorva Ramayanam
Previous ka: krutagya:?
Part 2

Sri Sita Lakshmana Bharata Shatrugna Hanumath Sametha Sri Ramachandra Parabrahmane Nama:

Rama's krutagyata

There are many instances within the Ramayanam where Sri Rama exhibits this divine quality. Let us see a few of those. One thing prior to that - As Azhvar said "veRidhE aruL seyvar", He has the nature of doing things even to those who have not done anything for Him; Being that, is it any surprise that He has sown grace to those who have done good things and is it worthy of praise? This is true. But since He showed Himself to be human, once can show this quality as a human quality that He exhibited.

The grace shown by Him to the monkey king Sugreeva and the rAkshasa king Vibeeshana cannot be described. What did they do to match this? May be one can state that Vibeeshana performed surrender; with Sugreeva, even that is not possible. While we see that Rama surrendered to Sugreeva ("sugrIvam sharanam gata:"), there is nothing stated about Sugreeva surrendering to Him. Yet, in His divine heart it was taken that Sugreeva had performed a great help to Him.

What was the help that Sugreeva had rendered? When Rama was in search of Sita and not knowing what to do, Hanuman came and met Him at the banks of the river Pampa. This happened by the order of Sugreeva. When Hanuman meets Rama, he says that Sugreeva had sent him to meet Rama only. Even though Sugreeva had done this for his own purpose, Rama took it as a great favor done to Him and showered His grace on Sugreeva.

Vibeeshana surrendered to Rama saying "sarva loka sharaNyAya rAghavAya mahAtmane". Taking this small act as an immense favor, Rama took great care of him. This is explained in Sri Vachana Bhooshanam (228) as "vibeeshaNanai rAvaNan 'kulapAmsanam' enRAn; perumAL ikshvAku vamsyarAga ninaiththu vArththai aruLich seydhAr". Where in Sri Ramayanam does Rama speak while considering Vibesshana as a member of the ikshvAku clan? After accepting Vibeeshana, Rama asks him about the strengths of the rAkshasas in Lanka, instead of asking about Vibeeshana's people - "AkhyAhi mama tatvena rAkShasAnAm balAbalam". Acharyas have stated that this shows that He had already considered Vibeeshana to be different from the rAkshasa clan. In Periya Thirumozhi 6-8-5, Thirumangai Azhvar says "selva vibIdaNaRku vERAga nallAnai". The meaning of this is that as far as Rama is considered, Vibeeshana is very special even when compared to all His other devotees.

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