Previous Lokacharya Panchasat
Shloka 16

phaNitikiraNajAlairmAnayan mAnasAbjam
	charanamuShita doShArUDagADAndhakAra: |
apara iva vapuShmAnamshumAlI janAnAm
	padamiva bhuvanAryo bhAsayan bhAti viShNo: ||


amshumAlI iva 			- Like the Sun
charanamuShita doShA ArUDa 
  gADa andhakAra: 		- who drives the darkness of the night with his rays of light
viShNo: padam 			- from space
bhAsayan 			- and makes it (bright),
bhuvanArya: 			- Pillai Lokacharyar
bhAti 				- is
apara: vapuShmAn amshumAlI 	- like another Sun
charanamuShita doShA ArUDa 
  gADa andhakAra: 		- who drives the ahankAra mamkAra doshas, by association with his divine feet,
phaNiti kiraNa jAlai: 		- with the rays of light that are his Sri Suktis,
janAnAm 			- from the people's
mAnasa abjam 			- lotus like minds 
mAnayan 			- and makes them respected (by blossoming with knowledge).

Vyakhyana Saram:
Acharyas and Azhvars are compared to the Sun that drives out darkness. The normal Sun drives out the outside darkness. With their Sri Suktis, Azhvars and Acharyas drive out the darkness in our minds. Our minds are like lotuses and are closed due to the darkness of the ahankAra and mamakAra. Azhvars and Acharyas are like the Sun and drive out this darkness and make the mind blossom. (They are also like water that sustains the lotus in the presence of the sun like Lord.)

Nammazhvar is called Vakula Bhushana Bhaskara. Here Swami Desikan is describing Pillai Lokacharyar as the Sun (amshumAlI). And when this mind blossoms, then one finds the Lord seated in that lotus.

Vedanta Desikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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