Previous Lokacharya Panchasat
Shloka 17

	Alokhya jantu nivahasya dayArdrachetA: |
unmIlayannupahitena rahasyatrayArtha
	dIpena yo jayati lokagurum tamIDe ||


tam lOkagurum IDe 		- I salute that Pillai Lokacharya,
ya: 				- who
Alokhya 			- seeing
jantu nivahasya 		- the collection of beings
antar vilochanam 		- whose minds (the inner eye)
ananta tamo nigUDham 		- are covered by unlimited ignorance,
dayA Ardra chetA: 		- with his mind drenched in mercy,
upahitena 			- lit in their minds
rahasya traya artha dIpena 	- the lamp (Mumukshuppadi) which is the meaning of the Rahsya Traya
unmIlayan 			- and opened them,
jayati 				- (and therefore is) above everyone.

Vyakhyana Saram:
Pillai Lokacharyar gave the true meanings of the Rahasya Traya through his rahasya granthas and made them readily available to the people of this world whose minds are covered by the darkness of ignorance. Knowing the varied nature of the people of this world, he gave the meanings in many different forms - in short, in some detail and in great detail. The works that give the meanings of the Rahsya Traya are Yathrucchikappadi, Mumukshuppadi, Sriya:pathippadi, Paranthapadi, ThanippraNavam, Thanithdvayam, Thaniccharamam & Sarasangraham.

Swami Desikan is saluting the great mercy in Pillai Lokacharyar's heart that made him stand above all in providing these works, that gave the Rahasya Traya knowledge to the people and drove away the avidya in their minds.

Vedanta Desikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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