Previous Lokacharya Panchasat
Shloka 52

vedAntoktivishodhiteShu cha yata: karmAdyupAyeShu me
	shaktirna praguNA niShiddhakaraNairmuhyanti vAgAdaya: |
shrIvANIrasajIvanam shamadhanam rAmAnujam madgurum
	yogIndram bhuvanArya vIkshaya vimalairmAm pAlayAlokanai: ||


he bhuvanArya 			- O! Lokacharya.
yata: 				- For whatever reason
praguNA shakti: 		- the excellent strength
karmAdi upAyeShu 		- in the paths of Karma yoga, Gyana yoga and Bhakti yoga
vedAntokti vishodhiteShu 	- that are well analyzed and made pure by Vedantas
na 				- is not there
me 				- in me;
vAk Adaya: 			- my senses such as speech
niShiddha karaNai: 		- do what is not suppposed to be done
muhyanti 			- and are trapped;
tata: 				- for that reason,
vIkshaya 			- seeing
madgurum rAmAnujam 		- my acharya Athreya Ramanuja
shrIvANIrasa jIvanam 		- who has the divine words of elders as sustenance
shamadhanam 			- and has peace as his wealth,
yogIndram 			- and Ramanuja,
vimalai: Alokanai: 		- with your blemishless sight
pAlaya 				- protect
mAm 				- me (who is their disciple).

Vyakhyana Saram:
Swami Alavandar, in his Stotra Ratnam, prays to the Lord that He should see neither his good deeds nor his bad deeds and instead should notice only the fact that he is associated with Sriman Nathamunigal and for that reason alone should shower His grace on him.

Similarly, in this shloka, Swami Desikan states that he does not have the strength to follow the paths of Karma, Bhakti or Gyana as stated in the Vedantas; and his senses are trapped by doing things that are forbidden in the Shastras. Therefore, he says that Swami Lokachariar, who is the avatara of Kanchi Varadaraja, should shower his grace on him by seeing only his association with his acharyas Athreya Ramanuja (his acharya Kidambi Ramanuja Pillan) and Swami Ramanuja.

This ties with Swami Lokachariar's srisukti 'AchArya abhimAnamE uththAragam'.

Vedanta Desikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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