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Translated by Sri Vanamamalai Padmanabhan

V. SamsAris

SamsAri-s: SamsAri-s are hindrances to bhagavath anubhavam and bhagavath kainkaryam. How?

Since, they are full of ahankAram and mama-kAram they are submerged in the materialistic pursuit and happiness. Therefore, they do not realize the supremacy of the Almighty; resulting in causing similar attitude to those who are with them. Therefore, this field effect should be feared as this will directly lead to obstacle for bhagavath anubhavam (as against materialistic pursuits) and bhagavath kainkaryam (as against materialistic addiction).

Sri NammAzhwAr clearly mentions this aspect also

"nATTArOdu iyalvozhindhu nAraNanai naNNinamE" 10-6-2 of ThiruvAymozhi.

Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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