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Translated by Sri Vanamamalai Padmanabhan

VI. SrIvaishNavites

SrIvaishNavites: How are the fellow SrIvaishNavites to be considered?

Those whose association is the seed for springing knowledge in bhagavath vishayam and also indifferenct towards other matters. They also help in achieving the kainkarya prApthi and are to be most desired ones. Therefore, they also are the ultimate goal.

SwAmi PiLLai LokAchAryar has categorically spelt this out in SrIvachana BhUshaNam: "ivvartham - idhihAsa purANangaLilum, payilum sudar oliyilum, nedumARkadimaiyulum, thETTarum thiralilum, naNNAdha vALavuNar, kaN sOra venkurudhiyilum, mEmporul mEliR pATTukkaLilum – visadhamAgak kANalAm" 227.

That, devotion to devotees is ultimate, has been demonstrated by AzhwAr-s. These pAsuram-s are

a. payilum sudar oli –ThiruvAymozhi –3-7;
b. NedumARkadimai ----ThiruvAymozhi 8-10;
c. NaNNAdha vAL avunar-Periya ThiruMozhi 3-6;
d. KaN sOra venkurudhi –Periya ThiruMozhi 7-4;
e. TheAttarum Thiral –PerumAL ThriuMozhi 2.
f. The pAsuram-s following mEAmporuL pogavittu in ThirumAlai.

These have been quoted to highlight the importance of SrIvaishNavites and the good it casues to the self.

Therefore, one should consider the srIvaishNavites and their association as the most desirable. The stages of kainkaryam is set as three. The first is Acharya kainkaryam, the next is kainkaryam to EmperumAn and the final is dhAthIya kainkaryam.

Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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