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Pasuram 22

aRiyum ulagellAm yAnEyum allEn
poRikoL siRai uvaNam UrndhAy - veRi kamazhum
kAmbEy menthOLi kadai veNNey uNdAyai
thAmbE koNdu Arththa thazhumbu


UrndhAy 				- You rode
uvaNam 					- Garuda
poRi koL siRai 				- who has the wings with many colors;
uNdAyai 				- You ate
kadai veNNey 				- the butter churned by
kAmbu Ey men thOLi 			- Yasodha who has bamboo-like soft shoulders
veRi kamazhum 				- and who is fragrant;
thazhumbu 				- the mark
thAmbE koNdu 				- made by the small rope
Arththa 				- with which You were tied
yAnEyum allEn 				- is known not just to me
ulagellAm aRiyum 			- but to the whole world.

Vyakhyana Saram:
The Lord asks Azhvar - "How did you know that I have the quality of freely mixing with My devotees?". Azhvar replies - "Am I the only one who know that - does not the whole world know that, seeing the marks on Your body?"

Poygaiyazhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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