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Pasuram 28

kaiya valampuriyum nEmiyum kArvaNNaththu
aiya! malarmagaL nin AgaththAL - seyya
maRaiyAn nin undhiyAn mAmadhiL mUnReydha
iRaiyAn nin Agaththu iRai


aiya  				- My Lord!
kAr vaNNaththu  		- who has the color and nature of a cloud;
kaiya  				- You have in Your hands
valampuriyum  			- Panchajanya and
nEmiyum  			- Sudarshana;
nin AgaththAL  			- in your divine chest is
malar magaL  			- Sridevi;
nin undhiyAn  			- in Your navel was born
seyya maRaiyAn  		- Brahma who chants the Vedas that show You;
iRaiyAn  			- Rudra who considers himself supreme,
eydha  				- who destroyed with an arrow
mUnRu  				- Tripura
mA madhiL  			- which has the big walls,
iRai  				- is attached to one part
nin Agaththu  			- of Your divine body.

Vyakhyana Saram:
In the divine body of the Lord standing on Thirumalai, one can see beauty, wealth, compassion and such divine qualities.

Poygaiyazhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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