Previous Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi
Pasuram 71

nanRu piNi mUppuk kaiyagaRRi nAnku Uzhi
ninRu nilamuzhudhum ANdAlum - enRum
vidal Azhi nenjchamE! vENdinEn kaNdAy
adal Azhi koNdAn mAttu anbu 


Azhi nenjchamE 			- O Mind! that is as deep as the ocean
nilam muzhudhum ANdAlum 	- even if you possess the wealth of ruling the universe
nAngu Uzhi ninRu 		- steadily in all four yugas,
nanRu kaiyagaRRi 		- by removing very well
piNi mUppu 			- disease and old age (and achieving kaivalya),
vidal 				- don't give away
anbu 				- the affection
adal Azhi koNdAn mAttu 		- to the One who holds the fighting Chakra;
vENdinEn kaNdAy 		- I am begging you.

Vyakhyana Saram:
Seeing that the others will not correct themselves no matter how much they are advised, Azhvar turns to his mind and tells it "Let others go their own way. You don't give up in this matter".

Poygaiyazhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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