Previous Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi
Pasuram 89

enakkAvAr Ar oruvarE! emperumAn
thanakkAvAn thAnE maRRallAl - punakkAyAm
pUmEni kANap podhi avizhum pUvaip pU
mAmEni kAttum varam


kAyAm pU mEni 			- The color of the kAyAm flower
punam 				- that is in the land that matches to it
pUvai pU (mEni) 		- and the color of the flower pUvai
podhi avizhum 			- that blossoms
kANa 				- when seen
varam kAttum 			- show well
mA mEni 			- His divine body.
enakku 				- To me (who is so fortunate)
Ar oruvarE AvAr 		- who can match?
emperumAn 			- Even He
thAnE thanakku AvAn allAl 	- can match only Himself
maRRu 				- and not to me.

Vyakhyana Saram:
In this pasuram, Azhvar re-experiences the Bhagavad anubhavam that happened to him in earlier pasurams and speaks of his greatness. Because of experiencing the Lord he states this - there is nothing wrong with that. This is known as sAttvika ahankAram.

Poygaiyazhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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