Previous Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi
Pasuram 88

nAdilum nin adiyE nAduvan nAL thORum
pAdilum nin pugazhE pAduvan - sUdilum
ponnAzhi EndhinAn ponnadiyE sUduvERku
ennAgil ennE enakku?


nAdilum 			- When thinking 
nAduvan 			- I will think
nin adiyE 			- only of Your divine feet.
pAdilum 			- When singing
nAL thORum 			- every day
nin pugazhE pAduvan 		- I will sing only Your praise.
sUdilum 			- If I think of wearing something on my head
sUduvERku 			- I will wear
pon adiyE 			- only the divine feet
pon Azhi EndhinAn 		- of He who is adorned with the Chakra.
en Agil en 			- How does it matter what happens
enakku 				- to me?

Vyakhyana Saram:
Azhvar sees that the samsaris are giving up on Bhagavad vishayam and are seeking other things. Due to his relationship with divya desams such as Thirukkovilur, Azhvar feels that he has escaped such a fate, similar to someone that is able to save their things at a place where robbers abound. Therefore, he says that he is involved in Him fully through his three senses (mind, speech and body) and speaks of that in this pasuram.

Poygaiyazhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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